Proper equipment is very important for the training and care of Bonsai trees. You must be able to execute accurate cuts on the trees, with a special profile and clean, even edges. For beginners it is advisable to acquire a few basic tools at first, like a quality concave cutter and a standard shear. The more intensive you work with Bonsai, the more special tools you will need later on.
What tools do I need?
Japanese Bonsai tools are well-known for their high quality (and for their high prices), while Chinese tools provide increasingly better quality for their prices. The black steel of which most tools are made, needs a bit more maintenance because it can rust. High quality stainless steel tools are even more expensive. Use your Bonsai tools only for the purpose they were made for and treat them well. Then you won’t ruin them ahead of time and they will work well for many years.
There is a wide variety of tools we can add to our toolkit, including shears, cutters, pliers, saws, and special tools for repotting. Let’s take a closer look at these categories of Bonsai tools.
Shears and Pliers
In this article we explain what to look for when buying tools; Bonsai Tools for sale.
Concave cutters are needed for removing branches from the trunk where we want to achieve deepened cuts which will heal without leaving a swollen scar. There are concave cutters with straight blades, those with semi-round blades and knob cutters which leave a particularly deepened cut. All these plier types are available in different sizes, of course.